Yet another new blog!

Hi all!

I’m starting over and using WordPress to build this new blog, and  I’m kinda excited about figuring this out! So what will I be posting entries about?

Yeah, well I think it will wind up being a mish-mash of all things entertainment, some ranting (I tend to do that after prolonged engagement with the world of people), and some reblogging of things I find really cool or interesting. We shall see, and then maybe I’ll write another redefine this blog sort of entry.

I like music, mostly alternative but really anything with lyrics – so I’ll post about things I’m listening to; things that help me get through the day. I’m an avid reader. When I say “avid,” I do actually mean avid. I’m always reading at least three books at once and finishing a minimum of a book a week, waaaay more when I don’t have to go to that place which pays my bills. So books and music. Wait! There’s more. I love TV. If you stick with me, you see that I watch way too much TV and have way too  much to say about the lives of fictional characters. Then, of course, there are the movies. I don’t get to live theater too much, since I’m broke.

Anyway, I hope to have some fun and maybe find some readers who will interact with me.

So . . . let’s get this party started.
